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Tid för klimatdemokrati! Åk till Köpenhamn!

Föreningen Demokratiskt Alternativ åker till Köpenhamn för att demonstrera för en politisk hantering av klimatfrågan där kommunerna och medborgarna ges en central roll för att jobba med omställningen till ett mer resurshushållande samhälle.

In english, please read:

Participatory democracy needed for climate justice - A call for a radical municipalist politics from Democratic Alternative, Sweden.

Invitation to Municipalist Climate Politics, a seminar on December 13th, 10.00-12.00 a.m. at the DGI-town, central in Copenhagen.

Vi protesterar mot en utveckling där den rika världens ledare sätter ekonomisk tillväxt och ökad varuproduktion framför världens behov av bra klimat, miljö och solidariskt samarbete.

Vi kräver att mänskliga rättigheter och deltagande direkt demokrati utgör utgångspunkten för omställning på lokalt såväl som globalt plan.

Vi uppmuntrar alla som kan att delta i den stora demonstrationen i Köpenhamn den 12 december, läs mer här.

Vi vill också hälsa alla varmt välkomna på särskilt dessa arrangemang under Klimaforum09 - Peoples Climate Summit i Köpenhamn:
  • 9 december kl 16-19: From Globalization to Localization of Life and Economy - a Degrowth-strategy for Global Prosperity within the Limits of the Planet. Seminarium. Läs mer här.
  • 10 december kl. 16-19: Workshop på samma tema som ovan. Läs mer här.
  • 13 december kl. 10-12: Municipalist Climate Politics. Seminarium. Läs mer här.

Municipalist Climate Politics

A seminar/workshop with Malin Widehammar (Sweden), Jonathan Korsár (Sweden), Gunilla Meurling (Sweden) and Sveinung Legard (Norway).

On december 13th, 10.00-12.00 p.m. at the DGI-town in a 100 seat auditorium, central in Copenhagen.

Without decentralisation no global solutions are possible. This seminar focuses on the facts and arguments that make up the case for a local approach to climate, energy and environment issues. We argue that real popular agency, along with the municipal and regional levels, are all too often overlooked when confronting these issues. Municipal and global solutions go hand in hand, as well as democratic, economic and technical revolutions.

The seminar is co-arranged with Communalism - International Journal for a Rational Society (

From Globalization to Localization of Life and Economy

A workshop with Sophy Banks (UK), Eirik Eiglad (Norge), Mauro Bonaiuto (Italy), Miguel Valencia (Mexico) and Francois Schneider (France) (invited).

On December 10th 16.00-19.00 p m, at the DGI-town in a 100 seat auditorium, central in Copenhagen.

While the seminar on the 10th tries to answer the question"What is Degrowth?" the workshop shall answer the question: What is a Degrowth-strategy for Global Prosperity within the Limits of the Planet.

The workshop is arranged by Degrowth Group of NOAH, Friends of the Earth Denmark in collaboration with various other organisations.  

From Globalization to Localization of Life and Economy

A seminar with:
  • Tim Jackson, UK, on ”Prosperity without Growth” followed by
  • Sophy Banks, UK, speaking about Transition Towns. These are probably followed by
  • Vandana Shiva, India, speaking about degrowth seen from The global South and finally
  • Serge Latouche, France, displaying his thoughts on degrowth.
On December 9th 16.00-19.00 pm, at the DGI-town in a 370 seat auditorium with interpretation facilities, central in Copenhagen.

The seminar will focus on a Degrowth-strategy for Global Prosperity within the Limits of the Planet and is arranged as part of Klimaforum09 - Peoples Climate Summit.

Moderator is the Danish author and journalist Knud Vilby.

The seminar is arranged by Degrowth Group of NOAH, Friends of the Earth Denmark in collaboration with various other organisations.